“No ideology could be allowed to straitjacket thoughts of an entire nation“
Well said Mr. Prime Minister, thanks for being strong against those mindless commies who think themselves as intellectuals and in the illusion of saving the national interests when they are doing quite opposite. Everywhere in the world communism evolved based on political and social changes, but sadly not in India. Indian communists still believe in the ideology borrowed from other countries and they never been able to derive or define some ideology which suites for India. I never heard a communist proposing a constructive solution to any of the issues they are raising, for that matter no political party does that in India, that's very sad thing but a reality. I reckon any political parties interests should lie with the interests of country and its people. I hope some day we will see a political system in India which thinks and acts positively and constructively. May be too much to expect, but what to do I am a born optimist :)